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Hair Health

Hair Health

Healthy hair can seem so elusive. Why do we spend so much money on natural shampoos, conditioners, and hair products only to be left with lifeless hair and damaged ends? The solution may lie beneath the surface. Your hair, like every part of your body, is nourished by what you put into it, which shows by what you get out of it. Try these simple tips for healthy hair – the proof is in the shine!

You are what you eat – dry hair, even dry skin, can be a sign that your body needs more moisture. Healthy oils found in raw extra virgin olive oil, coconut oil, and avocados might be just what your hair needs to revive the shine from the inside out. Cold water fish, like wild Alaskan salmon and mackerel, are high in omega-3 fatty acids, the healthy fats that quell inflammation. Nuts and seeds contain lots of healthy fats as well. For healthy hair and skin, a daily dose of pumpkin seeds and Brazil nuts can provide your hair with healthy fats as well as trace minerals zinc and selenium, helping heal damaged hair and dry skin. A well-balanced, whole foods diet is optimal for hair health.

Quench your thirst – quenching your hair’s thirst with plenty of water is the key to glowing hair and skin. Adequate water also keeps your vital organs functioning properly. One way to be sure you are getting enough water is to set a daily goal of drinking half your body weight in ounces. For example, if you weigh 200 lbs, aim to drink 100 oz of water a day (12.5 glasses of water a day). Another way to determine if you’re getting enough water is to track how often you urinate. Urinating ever 2-3 hours is a mark of hydration and a sign that your body is getting all the water it needs. Some health conditions, like chronic kidney disease, may require you to limit your water intake. It is important to check with your doctor before you start ramping up the ounces.

Ditch the product – most hair products are loaded with damaging chemicals like sulfates, parabens, and artificial colors. Wherever possible, opt for simple and natural hair remedies. Shampoo substitutes, like a baking soda wash and apple cider vinegar rinse, can give your hair a much needed break from harsh, synthetic chemicals. Rubbing a dab of pure oil into your ends, or from midshaft to ends followed by a simple rinse, can give you a night off from your conditioning routine. Try coconut oil for thick hair or olive oil for fine hair. Less is more here, and you may want to experiment with different oils to find the right balance of moisture without weighing your hair down. Moroccan Argan oil is another popular conditioning and styling serum substitute.

Turn hair brushing into a gentle self-care routine – vigorous brushing can cause brittle hair to break. Use a gentle brushing technique and take some time to connect with your locks and show them some love. Match your brush strokes with your breathing to bring some easy peace and much needed relaxation into your busy day. Take your eyes off the clock! You won’t lose much time here and you have everything to gain.

Please remember that the information in this article may not be suitable for everybody. It is important to check with your doctor before you start your master plan for beautiful hair. In addition, a woman’s hair may naturally go through hormone-related changes. Addressing an underlying hormone imbalance with your doctor can help to address your hair health and your overall well-being. To learn more, schedule a complimentary 10-minute informational call with Dr. Aisha Nouh, ND.

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